Tuesday 25 August 2020

Is Your Email Marketing Game Still Top-Notch?

Despite the popularity of social media, messaging apps, and other methods of reaching out, email is still very much a top method of communication with some studies claiming that 99% of people with email accounts check their inboxes every single day. With figures like that, it comes as no surprise that digital marketers still consider email marketing as a major component of their overall online marketing mix. But what is a conundrum is that even with email's continued popularity and email marketing efforts still continuing, there's not a lot of success stories with email marketing nowadays. Targets get readjusted every year and ROI projects continue to decrease. Why is there a gap between email use and successful email marketing efforts?

Even millennials and Gen Z consumers say that they prefer getting emails when they receive marketing materials. Thus, we cannot really say that email marketing is dead. So, then, where do things go wrong if the platform is not dead? It must be in the messaging that emails get deleted instead of getting read. So, the manner of the message delivery is not the problem but rather the message and how it is worded.

Are you still using vague subject lines?
Do you wonder why even despite what was earlier said about 99% of people checking their emails daily, your email campaign’s open date is still at 0.2%? It would be impossible that your email's recipients all belong to the 1% of email n on-checkers, but it may be because your subject line game is so weak. Why would you click on an email with a subject line that sounds like it was written for everyone? A personalized subject line would entice the reader to open the email and give your business the proverbial "one foot in the door." Take note of what's relatable to your prospective reader, what will make him or her click the email, and what the reader learns from reading your email. Then, base your subject line on those things. Don't forget it short and simple (and personalized, but we already said that).

Your subject line is your first (and maybe your last) impression on users. In many ways, your email subject line is more important than your email body. After all, a great newsletter is worthless if it never sees the light of day.
(Via: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2014/03/31/email-subject-lines)

Does your email read SPAM?
Put simply, General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) standards are there so that email users are ensured that they have given clear consent to receive marketing emails. When your company complies with GDPR standards, whatever material you send is legal. If not, your email might be received by people who are not interested in your offerings, so it is highly likely that they will complain of your business to the federal authorities. It will also give your company a sketchy reputation.

Naturally, GDPR regulations significantly impact marketing departments, which rely on users' personal data for a wide range of activities. One of the most significant marketing efforts impacted by GDPR is email marketing.
(Via: https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/10959-gdpr-email-marketing.html)

Is your email poorly designed?

There's a high chance that your email doesn't get clicked because your recipients are bored with the emails they get from you. Even if your subject line is interesting, once they open your email and find out that it's in a template you haven't changed in years, they may not be bothered with reading it even if you offer fresh information. Make sure your email design makes people read through the entire email and not dismiss it. Also, take note that a lot of consumers are already more included to use mobile devices when checking email. Thus, if you aren't using mobile-friendly formats, there's a huge possibility that some users will just click on delete.

The future of email design is technologically advanced and excitingly interactive. The best email designs in 2020 will be a perfect combination of impeccable visual appeal and impressive use of technology.
(Via: https://email.uplers.com/infographics/email-design-trends-2020/)

Let's see if your business is still employing some email marketing practices that are already dead. Get in touch with us and let us help you improve your email marketing strategy.

The post Is Your Email Marketing Game Still Top-Notch? Read more on: ASGM Blog

source https://www.allsystemsgomarketing.com/uncategorized/is-your-email-marketing-game-still-top-notch

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