Tuesday 8 September 2020

Bringing Life Back to Your Blog

Do you still remember a blog you started in the late 1990s, that together with your Myspace and Friendster accounts, were what constituted your "social media" life back then? Why did your blog fizzle out? What happened that made you lose interest in blogging and led it to natural death? Chances are, other social media platforms got your interest and made your blog more of a chore rather than something that gives you pleasure to maintain. Or your interests may have shifted, have become a different person, and just like someone who cringes while reading old entries in a diary written in elementary school, you found your concerns and issues a tad... juvenile. Trying to forget the embarrassment, you may have just tried to forget all about that blog. Or you may have made a new blog to replace your lame old one, but that too, faded into obscurity.

While all of those scenarios affecting your personal blog is just how life unfolds, this is totally unacceptable when we're talking about your business' or company's blog. A business blog can never be allowed to go un-updated and poorly maintained. An obsolete blog with entries that are not relevant anymore will have adverse effects on your business, particularly on your website's SEO efforts. How can your online store or website rank highly on search engines if your business name is already related to outdated and wrong information that is still available in your unattended blog? Thus, you need to be very careful with maintaining your website's blog by making sure it's always rejuvenated and ready for search engines to evaluate. Here are four ideas to inject some life into your blog, if you've allowed cobwebs to grow on it:

Learn from your previous mistakes

Take a trip down memory lane and remember why your business blog died. Did you get discouraged with the low traffic when you started it? Did you get a lot of hate and negative feedback from an entry you loved to write? Were you dinged from scalping content from other websites and blogs without proper citation? Whatever the reason was, remember it and resolve never to do it once you have a new blog up. As for poor traffic, you must not get discouraged, especially if your blog is still in its infancy. Maintaining a blog is like a marathon, not a sprint. You need time for the search engines to crawl your blog and for you to research and determine what keywords to use and what content is relevant and engaging to your prospective audience.

Have you been feeling unmotivated towards your blog? Is your to-do list growing and growing without any of those tasks getting checked off. Do you just feel stuck?
If so, you might be in a blogging slump.
(Via: https://eliteblogacademy.com/break-blogging-slump/)

Always be updated on search engine updates

Search engines, especially Google, regularly update their manner of ranking websites. Always be on the know about these changes so that you can apply what needs to be tweaked on your blog. Don't be easily encouraged if an entry that used to be visited a lot suddenly loses an audience. It might be because of these search engine changes, so your proactive response may just be the thing to bring back those visits.

Given that Google changes its search algorithm frequently, it’s not surprising marketers get confused sometimes.
Speculations about the latest SEO trends run rampant and are a breeding ground for many myths.
For this reason, it’s sometimes difficult to tell fact from fiction.
(Via: https://www.quicksprout.com/seo-mistakes/)

Check your blog's health

It might be that you kept dishing fresh content, but the template and overall look of your blog haven't changed for 5 years. Were you using the most updated version of your publishing platform? Were your sharing links updated? Did you have entries that contain broken links? Make sure that your blog isn't ill so that your efforts in bringing new life to it won't be in vain.

Content audits keep track of your content, including blog posts, social media posts, events, and web pages, and provide analysis for how they impact audience. Additionally, they can provide insights into how to improve underperforming content, so you know how to properly update your posts for higher conversion rates.
(Via: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/company-content-audit)

Do you still have relevant and unique content?

A lot of blogs lose steam because the content it houses didn't keep up with the preferences of the readers. Readers can be finicky, and if your blog doesn't keep up with their fast-changing preferences, you will lose them eventually. The best way to keep readers coming back to your blog is to always churn out content that is relevant to them and that they can't find anywhere else. If your articles are about topics that can also be read in a hundred other blogs, how can you expect readers to be loyal to yours?

The best way to make sure your efforts aren’t in vain is to know who you’re writing for. That’s the best way to make sure your articles are generating as much valuable traffic as possible.
So, do you know who’s reading your blog?
(Via: https://bloggingexplorer.com/blog-target-audience/)


If you need more help in getting your blog to work harder for your business, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are ready to help you succeed even in these challenging times.

Bringing Life Back to Your Blog is republished from https://www.allsystemsgomarketing.com

source https://www.allsystemsgomarketing.com/content-marketing/bringing-life-back-to-your-blog

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