Saturday 4 April 2020

Avoid These Mistakes in Social Media Marketing

With the phenomenal rise of social media and its widened role in commerce, it is inevitable that it has become a battleground for digital marketing efforts among competing companies. With more than 3 billion people using social media all around the world, businesses are on a relentless quest on how to successfully optimize platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram in promoting their offerings. Consumers, ready to shop with money to spend (or their credit lines), have access to the best brands and latest trends on their fingertips. Moreover, studies show that 37% of social commerce users also do research on social media before they make their final purchases.  So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that business owners and digital marketers spend more effort in making a dent on social media.

With all this effort, some succeed, some don’t. So, what are some successful businesses on social media marketing doing right and what are the others doing wrong?

You may be barking at the wrong tree.

Some digital marketers prefer to cast a wide net, believing that a wider net is bound to catch more fish. So instead of focusing on low hanging fruit – the segment of the audience who have shown interest in their product or service, some try to reach out to a broader audience in the hopes of attracting new customers. Moreover, inconsistent tracking and lack of data can also cause businesses to have skewed data on their target audience. Thus, instead of getting in touch with those who genuinely need your product or service, you get people who may or may not be interested in the first place.

The first stage of any social media marketing campaign is to define your target audience. You certainly can’t search for “them" if you have no idea who "they" are.

If you are lucky, you may already know the types of people to whom you sell your products. Of course, having a general idea and being able to give a tight description of your typical customer are two different propositions.



Your black hat practice of buying influence will bite back.

To inflate figures of the number of followers and traffic, a lot of digital marketers make the mistake of buying likes, shares, and followers. In fact, this practice is still pretty much rampant these days, not only because social media platforms do regular cleanups of fake accounts that will make your wrong practices obvious (e.g., losing thousands of followers in a day), but also because real customers will sense when a page has more bot followers and fake reviews than authentic ones. Legitimate companies will always go for organic growth in their social media assets. Paying for fake followers will make your legitimate audiences lose their trust in you.

Facebook officially took action against buying likes in 2015 by updating its algorithm to automatically recognize and remove suspicious engagement activity. Since then, they’ve removed millions of fake or inactive Facebook accounts.

Beyond this Facebook policy, buying likes has a larger negative impact on your marketing and advertising efforts.



You put engagement in the back burner.

By customer engagement, we don’t just mean chatting with your customers and liking their comments and reviews. Engaging customers may be through polls, contests, and of course, regular status updates. Your social media marketing efforts will be most likely in vain if you don’t give your audience compelling reasons to interact or engage with you.

Social media has become an important part of every modern business's marketing strategy. But coming up with relevant, interesting content to post is only half the battle. The other part is engaging with your followers to keep them coming back for more.



What you share isn’t valuable to your audience.

Eight in every 10 people using the internet have at least one social About 80% of internet users have at least one account on a social media platform. That means that If the content you share on your social media channels strikes a chord with your followers, there’s a high possibility that they will share it with their own network. And those in their networks who will appreciate your content may also follow you in return.


The studies also mean that there is a science to creating shareable content. No, it’s not an exact science, but, by following certain guidelines, you dramatically increase your chances of getting your content shared by playing to the wants, needs and psychology of your audience.



You’re on an island.

Whether it is to establish your brand or spread brand awareness, having partners is very important to your social media marketing strategy. Looking for partners with products or services that complement your offerings will result in a mutually beneficial relationship. These partnerships will allow both parties to grow their follower base and in turn, make more people aware of both brands. Now, if you’re resolute in operating by yourself, be ready to let go of huge opportunities enjoyed by businesses that are open to collaborations and partnerships.

As a result, the discussion has shifted much more in the “partnership” direction, as brands actively seek out thought leaders and influencers who can help to advance key business priorities. There is expected to be much greater alignment in goals and strategy, as well as much more “give and take” about what steps need to happen next.



All Systems Go Marketing is a one-stop-shop for all your online marketing needs. Avoid these social media marketing mistakes by getting in touch with us about your digital marketing strategy today.

The article Avoid These Mistakes in Social Media Marketing is republished from


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